The Signature Bouquet


Our Signature Bouquet feature a mix of fresh, vibrant florals that speak to the seasons. Our designers are like chefs using the best seasonal florals which means you get a unique bouquet every time. Each bouquet is created using rules of color theory, principles of design and is an artfully crafted floral bouquet. This bouquet is for the real flower lover – someone who appreciates the nuance of exceptional floral selection. Expect the unexpected when you invest in a Stems’ signature bouquet!

We do offer creative input, share in your orders notes and we will do our best to accommodate. Please note, if you want a fully customized bouquet to email before placing your order!

Grab a bouquet, add on a candle, a vase or both!

All bouquets come in an Hydration Wrap (100% plant composition, 100% biodegradable, reusable + recyclable plastic bag) which hydrates vertically and horizontally to keep your bouquet fresh all day!

Care instructions and a handwritten card (with your message) are included with each delivery or pick-up!



  • We offer delivery in Brooklyn, Manhattan and parts of Queens!
  • Delivery pricing range $14.99 + $24.99 pending proximity to our shop, enter your delivery zip code at checkout to estimate!
  • Flower deliveries arrive between 11:30am – 5pm, depending on our courier’s route for the day.
  • Delivery is available seven days a week.
  • Same day delivery is available until 2pm EST: Tuesday – Friday + Sundays
  • Custom deliveries times are available for additional fees based on our shop’s availability, please email for more information


  • Order flowers online for FREE next-day in-store pickup at our Brooklyn flower shop 7 days a week from 11am-5pm.
  • No minimum required.
  • Can’t get here yourself? Call an Uber and we’ll help coordinate to get the flowers to you!


  • Contact us with a photo of your flowers within 48 hours if there are any issues
  • Replacement bouquets are often available for redelivery or pick up
  • We are not responsible for flowers after they have left our shop or courier care
  • Pick up orders must be collected within 48 hours of the scheduled pick up date after which floral quality is not guaranteed and flowers will be composted.
  • All purchases are final. Exceptions are only made for cancellations requests made within 24 hours of original purchase date.

Additional information

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Petite Signature Bouquet, Signature Bouquet, Signature Bouquet with vase, Signature Bouquet with vase + candle, Lux Bouquet, Lux Bouquet with vase, Lux Bouquet with vase + candle

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