The Dried Wedding Bouquet


Let us complete your day of look with a bouquet of seasonal dried blooms that will add that special something to your laid back nuptials. This bouquet contain a mix of greenery, wildflowers, focal flowers and funky seasonal textures that last forever! Bouquets are tied off with ribbon or twine depending on the vibe of the bouquet. See photos for size and style examples.

Our floral inventory changes with the seasons and market availability. We cannot make promises on exact color palettes and rarely have enough inventory of neutral tones to ensure a fully neutral design request. We love colorful designs full of life, if that speaks to you then place an order and be wow’d!

Please note, we generally do not accept “all white” requests as we are a seasonal shop and use more colorful varieties. We may be able to include white and greens to appear more “neutral” however we like to manage expectations!


  • We happily deliver to ALL of Brooklyn ($75 minimum order) & select areas in Manhattan ($100 minimum order).
  • Delivery pricing is based on distance from our Bushwick flower shop and ranges from $20-35. Enter your zip code at checkout to find your zone’s delivery fee.
  • Flower deliveries arrive between 11am – 5pm, depending on our courier’s route for the day.
  • Delivery is available Monday-Saturday. Need flowers on a Sunday? See below for information on pickups!


  • Order flowers online for FREE next-day in-store pickup at our Bushwick flower shop 7 days a week from 11am-4pm.
  • Call to inquire about same day pickup availability.
  • No minimum required.
  • Can’t get here yourself? Call an Uber and we’ll help coordinate to get the flowers to you!

Additional information


Medium City Hall Bouquet, Small City Hall Bouquet

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